Tekno Line
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Make-up lines which can be integrated to other modules with accessories as humidifiers, dosing pumps, guillotines, scraps recovery and panning systems! With TEKNO LINE, you can produce different bakery/ pastry products small and large from croissants to cookies and filled products.
You can choose what units you want to have with TEKNO LINE which gives you a total versatility to meet your requirements.
-Automatic calibrating unit and fl our duster
-Volumetric pneumatic dosing unit with valves to control the suction and dosing of the product. Possibility of using very thick products with big pieces of particles
-Electric or pneumatic guillotine to be located anywhere on working Table
-Scraps recovery device
-Eletric dosing unit for homogenized creams even with medium sized particles
-Electric panning system with pan running for double discharge of product. Programmable speed and product discharge